
gen 1: "the rebellion" MINTING
780 uniquely crafted MAG Brew Vikings NFTs were unleashed on the Cronos blockchain: may you, Mother of the Hops and the Golden Oceans, harbor them within this new and fertile land!
gen 2 minting
Something new will happen in Midgard, nothing is lost...
"The Holy Brewery that gives freedom to the brave ones that aim to break the ordinary".

We'll donate 3% of the minting revenue to a no-profit brewery association that provides work to the homeless and immigrants.
Holding NFTs sharing certain features (i.e., compatible backgrounds) will open the collectors a door to exclusive future airdrops.
MAG ecosystem token ($HOPS) will be periodically airdropped to holders, following a rewarding mechanism based on features rarity and the degree of commitment of each holder.
After the sold-out, MAG Bard and Minstrel, together with our fellow artist Gigi, will deliver an illustrated book, forever bonded to the Cronos blockchain!
Beer-firm foundation
The creation of a real company, born from the concepts behind the collection.
Discounts for holders, a beer e-commerce that accepts crypto payment: these are only some of the suggestions for attaching our Viking NFT to real and shared happiness.
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